Leabhraichean Gàidhlig


Carmina Gadelica is delighted to offer international book shipping icon

Gaelic learners books

We stock a wide variety of Gaelic learners books suiting a wide range of stages of fluency.

Our book shop on the Isle of Skye will carefully package and ship your purchase for fast delivery icon

gaelic poetry booKS

Enjoy beautiful Gaelic Poetry and purchase one of  the many books we have in stock.

Tracking facilities are available for our packages sent from our book shop on the Isle of Skye icon


Read about the history of the Gaelic Language and purchase a Gaelic History book from our shop.

Carmina Gadelica stocks a wide selection of Gaelic childrens books suittable for a variety of ages. A great way to help grow your childs ability to speak, read and write the beautiful Gaelic language.


Browse our wide range of books, and other goods on offer, in-store!

Visit our book shop on the Isle of Skye and purchase many books electronic goods and fishing supplies
Carmina Gadelica sells man books on the Isle of Skye from many authors and genres
Visit our book shop in Portree on the Isle of Skye and purchase books maps music art supplies fishing supplies and more logo
Our book shop is located in Portree on the Isle of Skye icon