Our bookshop stocks a wide variety of goods, beyond just our extensive book range. Fishing supplies, binoculars, art products, electronic goods, maps & atlases, and other souvenirs and gifts are also on offer. In addition, a range of Gaelic titles are available, for both fluent speakers and learners.

If you require assistance during your visit, our shop assistants will be more than happy to assist.

To read more about the products we have available in-store, please scroll down the page

Carmina Gaelic sells a large range of great books from our Isle of Skye book shop icon


A wide variety of meticulously chosen books from acclaimed writers, across many genres.

Carmina Gadelica sells excellent gifts such as bags and purses icon


An assortment of gifts, including Lewis Chessmen chess pieces, exclusive tote bags and tea towels, notebooks, mugs and much more.

Purchase fishing supplies from Carmina Gaelica including reels and hooks icon


A fantastic selection of fishing tackle, including rods, reels and lures, suitable for fly and sea fishing.

Purchase electronic goods from Carmina Gadelica book shop on the Isle of Skye icon


A selection of electronics, including memory cards, charging cables and power adaptors.

Our book shop on the Isle of Skye stocks a large variety of art equipment icon


High-range art supplies, as well as affordable alternative brands.

Purchase maps of the Isle of Skye from our book shop Carmina Gadelica icon


An extensive range of maps suitable for climbing and walking alongside road maps.



Order books by phone or email from our book shop on the Isle of Skye icon

Personalised Book Service

Purchase gift vouchers of Carmina Gadelica from our book shop on the Isle of Skye icon

Gift Vouchers and National Book Tokens

Our book shop in Portree on the Isle of Skye can provide school and libaries icon

School and Library Supply


A large range of children's books, suitable for children of all ages, are on offer. If you are looking for anything specific, please ask our store assistants for help.

To find out more about our shipping service (we can also send books internationally), please click the button below.



An extensive selection of gifts are available in the shop, including our Harris Tweed range of products and Lewis Chessmen pieces. To see more of what’s in stock, please visit our gallery page by clicking the button below.

Browse our wide range of books, and other goods on offer, in-store!

Visit our book shop on the Isle of Skye and purchase many books electronic goods and fishing supplies
Carmina Gadelica sells man books on the Isle of Skye from many authors and genres
Visit our book shop in Portree on the Isle of Skye and purchase books maps music art supplies fishing supplies and more logo
Our book shop is located in Portree on the Isle of Skye icon


Order books by phone or email from our book shop on the Isle of Skye icon
Purchase gift vouchers of Carmina Gadelica from our book shop on the Isle of Skye icon
Our book shop in Portree on the Isle of Skye can provide school and libaries icon
Carmina Gaelic sells a large range of great books from our Isle of Skye book shop icon
Our book shop on the Isle of Skye stocks a large variety of art equipment icon
Purchase fishing supplies from Carmina Gaelica including reels and hooks icon
Carmina Gadelica sells excellent gifts such as bags and purses icon
Purchase maps of the Isle of Skye from our book shop Carmina Gadelica icon
Purchase electronic goods from Carmina Gadelica book shop on the Isle of Skye icon
Visit our book shop on the Isle of Skye and purchase many books electronic goods and fishing supplies
Carmina Gadelica sells man books on the Isle of Skye from many authors and genres
Carmina Gaelic sells a large range of great books from our Isle of Skye book shop icon
Our book shop on the Isle of Skye stocks a large variety of art equipment icon
Purchase fishing supplies from Carmina Gaelica including reels and hooks icon
Carmina Gadelica sells excellent gifts such as bags and purses icon
Purchase maps of the Isle of Skye from our book shop Carmina Gadelica icon
Purchase electronic goods from Carmina Gadelica book shop on the Isle of Skye icon
Visit our book shop on the Isle of Skye and purchase many books electronic goods and fishing supplies
Carmina Gadelica sells man books on the Isle of Skye from many authors and genres